
This tool is used to fix the permissions on user work areas. Specify your custom permissions and select the root folder where your user work areas are stored. A user account with the same name as the folder is given full control permissions by default.

System Requirements

  • Windows 2000, XP or 2003 Server
  • .NET Framework version 1.1 (Download from Microsoft or Windows Update)
  • A user account that has full control permissions on the work areas, or has ownership of the folders.

Product Tour

  • Select Mode (Add or Replace)
NTFSFix - Welcome
  • Add custom permissions to the work area (Default permissions shown below)
NTFSFix - Wiz1
  • Select the root folder. (UNC or local path supported) You can also exlude folders here.
NTFSFix - Wiz2
  • Confirm the selection & start the permissions change.
NTFSFix - Wiz2

In the above screenprint two folders were not configured properly. This is because no users exist in the domain with the same name as the folder.

