Hi, I’m David Wiseman.
I’m a SQL Server DBA that enjoys performance tuning and spend most of my time writing and tuning T-SQL code. This is my personal blog site to share my experience, scripts and tools with the community.
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Latest Posts
- Removing large backup history with sp_delete_backuphistoryProblem In SQL Server, the sp_delete_backuphistory stored procedure is is the standard and supported method to purge old data from the backup and restore history tables in the msdb database: Recently, I encountered an issue running sp_delete_backuphistory on servers that hosted a large number of databases with frequent log backup & restore operations. The clean… Read more: Removing large backup history with sp_delete_backuphistory
- T-SQL Tuesday #156 Production CodeIntroduction The invitation from Tom Zíka asks “Which quality makes code production grade?“. Reliability Code that runs in production should be reliable. It should produce consistent results, handle concurrency and deal with error situations. Performance & Scalability Production code needs to be able to scale. Scalability should be considered in the context of your own… Read more: T-SQL Tuesday #156 Production Code