Extract user data from Active Directory as a CSV file. Handling for terminal services attributes is included.
This script expands on the Extract User Data to a CSV script by adding support for terminal services attributes. Terminal services attributes are actually stored in the userparameters attribute in Active Directory. Reading from this value directly is not supported. The IADsTSUserEx interface can be used to read terminal services attributes, but it does require that we bind to each user account when running the search. You will notice that the search runs a lot slower when terminal services attributes are included – If they are not required, you might want to remove them from the list of attributes in the setup section. Note: This script makes use of the IADsTSUserEx interface. You will need to install the Windows 2000/2003 Administration Tools Pack to allow the script to work.
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Option Explicit dim FileName, multivaluedsep,strAttributes dim strFilter, strRoot, strScope dim cmd, rs,cn Dim objRoot, objFSO,objCSV Dim comma, q, i, mvsep, strAttribute, strValue,strSearchAttributes dim objUser ' ********************* Setup ********************* ' The filename of the csv file produced by this script FileName ="userexport.csv" ' Seperator used for multi-valued attributes multivaluedsep = ";" ' comma seperated list of attributes to export strAttributes = "sAMAccountName,givenName,initials,sn,displayName,description,physicalDeliveryOfficeName," & _ "telephoneNumber,mail,wWWHomePage,cn,terminalservicesprofilepath,terminalserviceshomedrive,terminalserviceshomedirectory,allowlogon" ' Default filter for all user accounts (ammend if required) strFilter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user))" ' scope of search (default is subtree - search all child OUs) strScope = "subtree" ' search root. e.g. ou=MyUsers,dc=wisesoft,dc=co,dc=uk ' leave blank to search from domain root strRoot = "" ' ************************************************* q = """" comma = "" ' first column does not require a preceding comma i = 0 Set objFSO = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objCSV = objFSO.createtextfile(FileName) ' Create CSV header row and get attributes to use in search For Each strAttribute In SPLIT(strAttributes,",") Select Case LCASE(strAttribute) Case "terminalservicesprofilepath","terminalserviceshomedrive","terminalserviceshomedirectory","allowlogon","manager_samaccountname" ' Terminal services attributes are stored in the userparameters attribute and can be read individually ' via the IADsTSUserEx interface. This requires us to bind to each user account returned by the search (slow) ' Add the "adspath" attribute to allow us to bind to the user account where terminal services attributes are ' specified If INSTR(1,strSearchAttributes,"adspath",1) = 0 Then ' Check if we don't already have adspath attribute IF strSearchAttributes <> "" Then strSearchAttributes = strSearchAttributes & "," End If strSearchAttributes = strSearchAttributes & "adspath" End If Case Else ' Append attribute to the search attributes If strSearchAttributes <> "" Then strSearchAttributes = strSearchAttributes & "," End If strSearchAttributes = strSearchAttributes & strAttribute END Select ' Write CSV File Header objcsv.write(comma & q & strAttribute & q) comma = "," ' all columns apart from the first column require a preceding comma i = i + 1 Next set cmd = createobject("ADODB.Command") set cn = createobject("ADODB.Connection") set rs = createobject("ADODB.Recordset") cn.open "Provider=ADsDSOObject;" cmd.activeconnection = cn ' If root = "", use the default naming context (current domain) if strRoot = "" then set objRoot = getobject("LDAP://RootDSE") strRoot = objRoot.get("defaultNamingContext") end if cmd.commandtext = "<LDAP://" & strRoot & ">;" & strFilter & ";" & _ strSearchAttributes & ";" & strScope '**** Bypass 1000 record limitation **** cmd.properties("page size")=1000 set rs = cmd.execute ' for each item returned by the Active Directory query while rs.eof <> true and rs.bof <> True Set objUser = Nothing ' Used only for terminal services attributes comma="" ' first column does not require a preceding comma objcsv.writeline ' Start a new line ' For each column in the result set for each strAttribute in SPLIT(strAttributes,",") select case strAttribute case "terminalservicesprofilepath" ' Bind to user account if required (only bind once per user if more than 1 ' terminal services attribute is specified) If objUser Is Nothing Then Set objUser = GETOBJECT(rs("adspath")) End If objCSV.Write(comma & q & replace(objUser.TerminalServicesProfilePath,q,q & q) & q) case "terminalserviceshomedrive" ' Bind to user account if required (only bind once per user if more than 1 ' terminal services attribute is specified) IF objUSer IS NOTHING Then SET objUser = GETOBJECT(rs("adspath")) End If objCSV.Write(comma & q & objUser.TerminalServicesHomeDrive & q) case "terminalserviceshomedirectory" ' Bind to user account if required (only bind once per user if more than 1 ' terminal services attribute is specified) IF objUSer IS NOTHING Then SET objUser = GETOBJECT(rs("adspath")) End If objCSV.Write(comma & q & replace(objUser.TerminalServicesHomeDirectory,q,q & q) & q) case "allowlogon" ' Bind to user account if required (only bind once per user if more than 1 ' terminal services attribute is specified) IF objUSer IS NOTHING Then SET objUser = GETOBJECT(rs("adspath")) End If objCSV.Write(comma & q & objUser.AllowLogon & q) case "manager_samaccountname" ' Bind to user account if required (only bind once per user if more than 1 ' terminal services attribute is specified) IF objUSer IS NOTHING Then SET objUser = GETOBJECT(rs("adspath")) End If dim objManager, strManagerDN, strManager strManager="" on error resume next strManagerDN = objUser.Get("manager") on error goto 0 if strManagerDN <> "" then set objManager = GETOBJECT("LDAP://" & strManagerDN) strManager = objManager.sAMAccountName end if objCSV.Write(comma & q & strManager & q) case else select case typename(rs(strAttribute).value) case "Null" ' handle null value objcsv.write(comma & q & q) case "Variant()" ' multi-valued attribute ' Multi-valued attributes will be seperated by value specified in ' "multivaluedsep" variable mvsep = "" 'No seperator required for first value objcsv.write(comma & q) for each strValue in rs(strAttribute).Value ' Write value ' single double quotes " are replaced by double double quotes "" objcsv.write(mvsep & replace(strValue,q,q & q)) mvsep = multivaluedsep ' seperator used when more than one value returned next objcsv.write(q) case else ' Write value ' single double quotes " are replaced by double double quotes "" objcsv.write(comma & q & replace(rs(strAttribute).value,q,q & q) & q) end select end select comma = "," ' all columns apart from the first column require a preceding comma next rs.movenext wend ' Close csv file and ADO connection cn.close objCSV.Close wscript.echo "Finished" |