This function converts a string to proper case.
To this: A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away
Note: It might be better to do this in the application rather than the database and it could be better written as a CLR function. This is useful if you need a T-SQL solution for a one off purpose.
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CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fProperCase](@Value varchar(8000), @Exceptions varchar(8000),@UCASEWordLength tinyint) returns varchar(8000) as /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Function Purpose: To convert text to Proper Case. Created By: David Wiseman Website: Created: 2005-10-03 Updated: 2006-06-22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INPUTS: @Value : This is the text to be converted to Proper Case @Exceptions: A list of exceptions to the default Proper Case rules. e.g. |RAM|CPU|HDD|TFT| Without exception list they would display as Ram, Cpu, Hdd and Tft Note the use of the Pipe "|" symbol to separate exceptions. (You can change the @sep variable to something else if you prefer) @UCASEWordLength: You can specify that words less than a certain length are automatically displayed in UPPERCASE USAGE1: Convert text to ProperCase, without any exceptions select dbo.fProperCase('THIS FUNCTION WAS CREATED BY DAVID WISEMAN',null,null) >> This Function Was Created By David Wiseman USAGE2: Convert text to Proper Case, with exception for WiseSoft select dbo.fProperCase('THIS FUNCTION WAS CREATED BY DAVID WISEMAN @ WISESOFT','|WiseSoft|',null) >> This Function Was Created By David Wiseman @ WiseSoft USAGE3: Convert text to Proper Case and default words less than 3 chars to UPPERCASE select dbo.fProperCase('SIMPSON, HJ',null,3) >> Simpson, HJ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ begin declare @sep char(1) -- Seperator character for exceptions declare @i int -- counter declare @ProperCaseText varchar(5000) -- Used to build our Proper Case string for Function return declare @Word varchar(1000) -- Temporary storage for each word declare @IsWhiteSpace as bit -- Used to indicate whitespace character/start of new word declare @c char(1) -- Temp storage location for each character set @Word = '' set @i = 1 set @IsWhiteSpace = 1 set @ProperCaseText = '' set @sep = '|' -- Set default UPPERCASEWord Length if @UCASEWordLength is null set @UCASEWordLength = 1 -- Convert user input to lower case (This function will UPPERCASE words as required) set @Value = LOWER(@Value) -- Loop while counter is less than text lenth (for each character in...) while (@i <= len(@Value)+1) begin -- Get the current character set @c = SUBSTRING(@Value,@i,1) -- If start of new word, UPPERCASE character if @IsWhiteSpace = 1 set @c = UPPER(@c) -- Check if character is white space/symbol (using ascii values) set @IsWhiteSpace = case when (ASCII(@c) between 48 and 58) then 0 when (ASCII(@c) between 64 and 90) then 0 when (ASCII(@c) between 96 and 123) then 0 else 1 end if @IsWhiteSpace = 0 begin -- Append character to temp @Word variable if not whitespace set @Word = @Word + @c end else begin -- Character is white space/punctuation/symbol which marks the end of our current word. -- If word length is less than or equal to the UPPERCASE word length, convert to upper case. -- e.g. you can specify a @UCASEWordLength of 3 to automatically UPPERCASE all 3 letter words. set @Word = case when len(@Word) <= @UCASEWordLength then UPPER(@Word) else @Word end -- Check word against user exceptions list. If exception is found, use the case specified in the exception. -- e.g. WiseSoft, RAM, CPU. -- If word isn't in user exceptions list, check for "known" exceptions. set @Word = case when charindex(@sep + @Word + @sep,@exceptions collate Latin1_General_CI_AS) > 0 then substring(@exceptions,charindex(@sep + @Word + @sep,@exceptions collate Latin1_General_CI_AS)+1,len(@Word)) when @Word = 's' and substring(@Value,@i-2,1) = '''' then 's' -- e.g. Who's when @Word = 't' and substring(@Value,@i-2,1) = '''' then 't' -- e.g. Don't when @Word = 'm' and substring(@Value,@i-2,1) = '''' then 'm' -- e.g. I'm when @Word = 'll' and substring(@Value,@i-3,1) = '''' then 'll' -- e.g. He'll when @Word = 've' and substring(@Value,@i-3,1) = '''' then 've' -- e.g. Could've else @Word end -- Append the word to the @ProperCaseText along with the whitespace character set @ProperCaseText = @ProperCaseText + @Word + @c -- Reset the Temp @Word variable, ready for a new word set @Word = '' end -- Increment the counter set @i = @i + 1 end return @ProperCaseText end |